Southampton & Salisbury Canal

Joseph Hill’s Estimate of November 1794

Joseph Hill made the following revised estimate for the cost of construction of the canal in November 1794:

The Canal to be made 15 feet at bottom and 27 feet wide at top water level and 4 feet of Water over the Sills of each Lock and to admit of Barges 60 feet long and 8 feet wide
  £ s d
To digging and forming the Canal from the Town ditch at Southampton to the Junction in Houndwell and from thence to Northam 1082 0 0
To 3 Brick Archbridges in the above length will be wanted with a Stone coping and a road made over them and Graveled 330 0 0
To 3 Drawbridges for Occupation and backed with Gravel 190 0 0
To 2 locks one in Town Ditch the other at Northam should be built with Stone front and backed with Bricks 1700 0 0
To digging the Canal from the Junction in Houndwell to the Mouth of the Tunnel 210 0 0
To 880 Yards lineal measure in Perforating and making a Tunnel with a Nine Inches Brick Arch at £5 5s. per yard 5060 0 0
To Digging, Banking, puddleing, lining and forming the Canal from the Tunnel at Southampton to the Andover Canal at Redbridge 2350 0 0
To an Aqueduct to be built with Stone at Shirleybrook 230 0 0
To One Culver at Millbrook Shore to be built with Stone 80 0 0
To 3 Drawbridges for Occupation 190 0 0
To 2 Brick Arch Bridges Coped with Stone and Graveled over them 220 0 0
To Digging, Banking, puddleing, lining and forming the Canal from the Andover Canal to Lockerly nearly in the direction as laid down in the Plan, this will be through various matters such as Peat, Gravel and Clay and Contains 90,136 Cubical yards at 3¼d. 1220 11 10
To Digging, Banking, Puddleing, lining and forming the Canal from Lockerly to West Dean, this will chiefly consist of Gravel and Chalk in some deep cutting and will contain 64,120 Cubical yards at 3¾d. 1001 17 6
To Digging, Banking, puddleing and lining the Canal from West Dean to Alderbury Common which will contain about 130,100 Cubical yards at 3½d. 1897 5 10
To 317,100 Cubical yards of Deep digging in Alderbury Common, this I imagine will consist of sand Gravel and some part of a Terraqueous matter and will make no doubt a great deal of Water, this digging taking top and bottom at 6½d. per Cube yard 8588 2 6
To 138,162 Cubical yards of digging, Banking, puddleing, lining and forming the Canal from Alderbury Common to Salisbury and which consist of chalk and Gravel at 3¼d. per Cube yard 1870 18 10
To 146 feet of Lockage from the Andover Canal to Salisbury which I would propose to be divided in to 16 or 17 Locks as the Nature of the Land will admit of which will stand somewhat in the manner as represented on the Plan and Section . . . and will cost £67 per foot Vertical 9782 0 0
To 15 Arch Brick Bridges from Andover Canal to Salisbury . . . 1650 0 0
To 16 Drawbridges for Occupation Roads 928 0 0
To 6 Brick Culvers to convey the Water under the Canal from the high Lands 170 0 0
To 8 Trunks to convey the Water to the Meadows and other places 160 0 0
To One Aqueduct at the Test River, one at Dunbridge River and one at the Laverstock River and a large Culver at the Test River to convey the Water to Lord Stawell’s Meadows 1323 0 0
To Turning the River at Butt Green at the School Farm at Lockerly about 200 yards 150 0 0
To Turning the Road at Dunbridge about 200 yards 80 0 0
To 140 Acres of Land . . . at £32 per acre 4480 0 0
To two Reservoirs one at each end of the deep cutting at the Summit on Alderbury Common . . . 620 0 0
To Temporary Damages to Lands and Fences, Occupation Roads and unforeseen Accidents . . . 3366 0 0
  £48,679 16 6
Extra cutting in Altering the line of the Canal at Redbridge 250 0 0
  £48,929 16 6