Itchen Navigation: A Portrait

Tumbling Bay - Shawford

Distance: 0.8 mile (1.4 km)

Tumbling Bay to Compton Lock

Much of the flood plain meadows on both sides of the Navigation from the M3 downstream to Compton Lock have been accorded protected status: either as Sites of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) or as a Site of Importance for Nature Conservation. A number of the meadows east of the Navigation are owned and managed as the Hockley Meadows nature reserve by the Hampshire and Isle of Wight Wildlife Trust (HIWWT). Virtually all of the non-tidal main River Itchen, some side-streams and much of the Navigation that is in water is designated as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC) under the EC Habitats Directive.

The towing path bank along much of this length of the Navigation was renovated as part of the Itchen Navigation Heritage Trail Project. For more than half a mile north of Compton Lock, this work involved the import of over 1800 tons of chalk fill and path gravels to repair the banks and over 1500 tons of soil for remedial works. Soft bio-engineered revetments along with green oak revetments were also used to rebuild the banks to prevent any more breaches. The area of the work has SSSI and SAC status, access required a 30 metre river crossing combined with a narrow footpath and these presented some difficulties. They were dealt with by using small excavators and a monorail for the transport of materials along the waterway. The repairs were achieved with no adverse impact upon the site. Also, there is a short (27 second) video of the monorail in use on YouTube. The monorail is shown where it crossed the Navigation from the offside to the towing path near the junction of the cut to Twyford Lane End Lock (to the north of Tumbling Bay). Further information about the work done by the contractor, including the monorail system, can be found on the website of Olympic Aquatic Engineers (NB This website is currently visible but seems to use out of date presentation methods).

The Navigation continues in a southerly direction through the water meadows. These fields were once quite open but increasingly trees and bushes have been growing up in places and beginning to obscure the view. Whilst, the surroundings are still very pleasant, this tree growth is altering the character of the waterway and the valley. Thirty or more years ago considerable lengths of the waterway were unfenced and a this was a distinctive feature of the Itchen Navigation.

Between Tumbling Bay and Compton Lock, there are a number of instances where channels that were used to flood the meadows can be clearly seen and the remains of the hatches used to control the abstraction of water from the Navigation can be examined.

A section of the water meadows on the east bank to the north of and in the area of Compton Lock, known as Twyford Meads, is owned by Twyford Parish Council and they carry out maintenance and have done some restoration to part of the area and hope to do more in the future. The Meads are open to visitors at all times, access being on foot only from the Navigation or from the village of Twyford. Further information may be found at the Twyford Parish Council website. It is pleasing that part of the Navigation at Twyford Meads is not fenced off from the adjacent meadows.

South of Tumbling Bay

South of Tumbling Bay looking towards Twyford with the Twyford Drain on the left and the Navigation to the right.
Image date: 15 Feb 2019. © 2019 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU477262. WGS84: 51° 02′ 00″ N, 1° 19′ 12″ W.

South of Tumbling Bay
South of Tumbling Bay

South of Tumbling Bay looking towards Twyford with the Twyford Drain on the left and the Navigation to the right.

Image date: 15 Feb 2019.
NG Ref: SU477262.
WGS84: 51° 02′ 00″ N, 1° 19′ 12″ W.

Hatches under towing path

Downstream of Tumbling Bay and looking south in the winter sun, these hatches pass under the towing path.
Image date: 25 Jan 2003. © 2010 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU477260. WGS84: 51° 01′ 55″ N, 1° 19′ 12″ W.

South of Tumbling Bay
Hatches under towing path

Downstream of Tumbling Bay and looking south in the winter sun, these hatches pass under the towing path.

Image date: 25 Jan 2003.
NG Ref: SU477260.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 55″ N, 1° 19′ 12″ W.

Hatches under the towing path

Hatches under the towing path with the Navigation on the right and the carrier to the water meadows on the left.
Image date: 8 Nov 2017. © 2017 Keith Murray (cc-by-nc-nd/2.0). Image from NG Ref: SU477260. WGS84: 51° 01′ 55″ N, 1° 19′ 13″ W.

Hatches under the towing path
Hatches under the towing path

Hatches under the towing path with the Navigation on the right and the carrier to the water meadows on the left.

Image date: 8 Nov 2017.
NG Ref: SU477260.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 55″ N, 1° 19′ 13″ W.

Hatches under towing path

Close up of hatches under the towing path.
Image date: 15 Feb 2019. © 2019 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU477260. WGS84: 51° 01′ 55″ N, 1° 19′ 13″ W.

Close up of hatches under the towpath
Hatches under towing path

Close up of hatches under the towing path.

Image date: 15 Feb 2019.
NG Ref: SU477260.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 55″ N, 1° 19′ 13″ W.

Hatches under towing path

Looking north at the hatches under the towing path.
Image date: 3 Sep 2021. © Bill Boaden (cc-by-sa/2.0). Image from NG Ref: SU477260. WGS84: 51° 01′ 55″ N, 1° 19′ 13″ W.

Looking north towards the hatches
Hatches under towing path

Looking north at the hatches under the towing path.

Image date: 3 Sep 2021.
NG Ref: SU477260.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 55″ N, 1° 19′ 13″ W.

Downstream of the hatches

The Navigation downstream of the hatches and looking back towards them.
Image date: 15 Feb 2019. © 2019 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU477260. WGS84: 51° 01′ 53″ N, 1° 19′ 15″ W.

Downstream of the hatches
Downstream of the hatches

The Navigation downstream of the hatches and looking back towards them.

Image date: 15 Feb 2019.
NG Ref: SU477260.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 53″ N, 1° 19′ 15″ W.

More hatches

Hatches under the towing path about 320 yards south of the last set. Since the path is now fenced off from the meadow, this view of them can no longer be seen.
Image date: 25 Jan 2003. © 2003 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476257. WGS84: 51° 01′ 46″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

More hatches
More hatches

Hatches under the towing path about 320 yards south of the last set.

Image date: 25 Jan 2003.
NG Ref: SU476257.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 46″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

Water meadows

Overgrown channel formerly used to drown meadows with water from the Navigation.
Image date: 25 Jan 2003. © 2003 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476257. WGS84: 51° 01′ 46″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

Water meadows
Water meadows

Overgrown channel formerly used to drown meadows with water from the Navigation.

Image date: 25 Jan 2003.
NG Ref: SU476257.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 46″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

Path north of these hatches

A view northwards along the Navigation at a time when the path was still unfenced.
Image date: 25 Sep 2009. © 2010 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476257. WGS84: 51° 01′ 46″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

Path north of these hatches
Path north of these hatches

A view northwards along the Navigation at a time when the path was still unfenced.

Image date: 25 Sep 2009.
NG Ref: SU476257.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 46″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

A fenced-in path

Another view northwards along the Navigation but the path now has a fence on either side.
Image date: 15 Feb 2019. © 2019 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476257. WGS84: 51° 01′ 44″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

A fenced-in path
A fenced-in path

Another view northwards along the Navigation but the path now has a fence on either side.

Image date: 15 Feb 2019.
NG Ref: SU476257.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 44″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

Looking south

The Navigation looking south towards Compton Lock with high, winter water levels.
Image date: 25 Jan 2003. © 2003 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476257. WGS84: 51° 01′ 44″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

Looking south
Looking south

The Navigation looking south towards Compton Lock with high, winter water levels.

Image date: 25 Jan 2003.
NG Ref: SU476257.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 44″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

Looking back north

The Navigation looking back towards Hockley around fifty years ago with the railway viaduct just visible in the distance.
Image date: Late 1960s. Image scanned from slide. © 2019 Geoff Crosley. NG Ref: SU476256. WGS84: 51° 01′ 42″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

Looking back north
Looking back north

The Navigation looking back towards Hockley around fifty years ago.

Image date: Late 1960s.
NG Ref: SU476256.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 42″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

The monorail train

The monorail train used to repair the Navigation.
Image: Olympic Aquatic Engineers. Image date: 2011. NG Ref: SU476256. WGS84: 51° 01′ 43″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

The monorail train
The monorail train

The monorail train used to repair the Navigation.

Image date: 2011.
NG Ref: SU476256.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 43″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

Repairing the Navigation

Tipping material from monorail train to build up the bank.
Image: Olympic Aquatic Engineers. Image date: 2011. NG Ref: SU476256. WGS84: 51° 01′ 42″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

Repairing the Navigation
Repairing the Navigation

Tipping material from monorail train to build up the bank.

Image date: 2011.
NG Ref: SU476256.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 42″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

Restored hatch

As part of their restoration of the water meadows, this hatch near the north end of Twyford Mead was brought back into use by Twyford Parish Council.
Image date: 15 Feb 2019. © 2019 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476256. WGS84: 51° 01′ 42″ N, 1° 19′ 16″ W.

Restored hatch
Restored hatch

As part of the restoration of the water meadows, this hatch at the north end of Twyford Mead was brought back into use.

Image date: 15 Feb 2019.
NG Ref: SU476256.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 42″ N, 1° 19′ 16″ W.

Northern Twyford Mead

Part of Twyford Mead lying next the towing path of the Navigation.
Image date: 15 Feb 2019. © 2019 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476256. WGS84: 51° 01′ 40″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

Northern Twyford Mead
Northern Twyford Mead

Part of Twyford Mead lying next the towing path of the Navigation.

Image date: 15 Feb 2019.
NG Ref: SU476256.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 40″ N, 1° 19′ 17″ W.

Above Compton Lock

The Navigation immediately above Compton Lock with further old hatches under the towing path.
Image date: 25 Sep 2009. © 2010 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476255. WGS84: 51° 01′ 39″ N, 1° 19′ 18″ W.

Above Compton Lock
Above Compton Lock

The Navigation immediately above Compton Lock with further old hatches under the towing path.

Image date: 25 Sep 2009.
NG Ref: SU476255.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 39″ N, 1° 19′ 18″ W.

Looking north from near Compton Lock

The Navigation seen from the old hatches just above Compton Lock looking north towards Tumbling Bay.
Image date: 8 Nov 2017. © 2017 Keith Murray (cc-by-nc-nd/2.0). Image from NG Ref: SU476255. WGS84: 51° 01′ 39″ N, 1° 19′ 18″ W.

Looking north from near Compton Lock
Looking north from near Compton Lock

The Navigation seen from the old hatches just above Compton Lock looking north towards Tumbling Bay.

Image date: 8 Nov 2017.
NG Ref: SU476255.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 39″ N, 1° 19′ 18″ W.

Compton Lock

About 2¼ miles from Blackbridge Wharf, the third lock is encountered: Compton Lock which is sometimes called Compton Place or Twyford Lock (it is in Twyford parish). The waterway is weired at the head of the lock and a footbridge carrying a public footpath from Twyford to Compton crosses the Navigation at the tail of the lock where the bottom gates once hung. In between, erosion has made the original turf-sided chamber almost circular although old mapping shows the sides were once straight. Bank protection has been added to the towing path side to prevent further erosion.

This lock is a popular swimming pool and picnic spot in the summer. Also, local fishermen will try their luck here. Owned by Twyford Parish Council, angling is now restricted on the east bank between Compton Lock and Shawford Bridge to local residents of the parishes of Twyford, Shawford and Compton. Above the lock both banks of the river are completely private fishing.

Compton Lock

The head of Compton Lock looking upstream from the off side.
Image date: 1900-1904. Image scanned from unposted postcard. NG Ref: SU476255. WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 20″ W.

Head of Compton Lock
Compton Lock

The head of Compton Lock looking upstream from the off side.

Image date: 1900-1904.
NG Ref: SU476255.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 20″ W.

Compton Lock

Chamber of Compton Lock looking upstream from the footbridge across the tail.
Image date: c1970. Image scanned from slide. © 2010 Geoff Crosley. NG Ref: SU476255. WGS84: 51° 01′ 37″ N, 1° 19′ 20″ W.

Compton Lock
Compton Lock

Chamber of Compton Lock looking upstream from the footbridge across the tail.

Image date: c1970.
NG Ref: SU476255.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 37″ N, 1° 19′ 20″ W.

Head of Compton Lock

The weir at the head of Compton Lock seen from the towing path.
Image date: May 1977. Image: Department of Transport. NG Ref: SU476255. WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 19″ W.

Head of Compton Lock
Head of Compton Lock

The weir at the head of Compton Lock seen from the towing path.

Image date: May 1977.
NG Ref: SU476255.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 19″ W.

Compton Lock Chamber

Chamber of Compton Lock looking upstream from the path.
Image date: 25 Jan 2003. © 2003 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476255. WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 20″ W.

Compton Lock Chamber
Compton Lock Chamber

Chamber of Compton Lock looking upstream from the path.

Image date: 25 Jan 2003.
NG Ref: SU476255.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 20″ W.

Compton Lock

Head of Compton Lock looking upstream from the path.
Image date: 27 Jun 2024. © Jim Osley (cc-by-sa/2.0). Image from NG Ref: SU476255. WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 20″ W.

Compton Lock Chamber
Compton Lock

Chamber of Compton Lock looking upstream from the path.

Image date: 27 Jun 2024.
NG Ref: SU476255.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 20″ W.

Compton Lock looking downstream

The chamber of Compton Lock seen from near the head.
Image date: 8 Nov 2017. © 2017 Keith Murray (cc-by-nc-nd/2.0). Image from NG Ref: SU476255. WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 19″ W.

Compton Lock looking downstream
Compton Lock looking downstream

The chamber of Compton Lock seen from near the head.

Image date: 8 Nov 2017.
NG Ref: SU476255.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 19″ W.

Weir at Compton Lock

The weir at the head of Compton Lock.
Image date: 25 Jan 2003. © 2003 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476255. WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 20″ W.

Weir at Compton Lock
Weir at Compton Lock

The weir at the head of Compton Lock.

Image date: 25 Jan 2003.
NG Ref: SU476255.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 20″ W.

Popular spot!

This is a very popular place to swim and has been for many years.
Image date: July 1976. Image scanned from slide. © 2003 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476255. WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 19″ W.

Popular spot!
Popular spot!

This is a very popular place to swim and has been for many years.

Image date: July 1976.
NG Ref: SU476255.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 19″ W.

Dogs catered for as well

A number of ‘Dog Dips’ were installed along the Navigation to help prevent erosion by dogs scrambling out of the water including this one in the chamber of the lock.
Image date: 15 Feb 2019. © 2019 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476255. WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 20″ W.

Dogs catered for as well
Dogs catered for as well

A number of ‘Dog Dips’ were installed along the Navigation including this one in the chamber of the lock.

Image date: 15 Feb 2019.
NG Ref: SU476255.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 38″ N, 1° 19′ 20″ W.

Tail of Compton Lock

The tail of the lock seen from downstream.
Image date: 28 May 1976. Image scanned from slide. © 2003 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476254. WGS84: 51° 01′ 36″ N, 1° 19′ 22″ W.

Tail of Compton Lock
Tail of Compton Lock

The tail of the lock seen from downstream.

Image date: 28 May 1976.
NG Ref: SU476254.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 36″ N, 1° 19′ 22″ W.

Bridge at tail of Compton Lock

The bridge carrying the footpath from Twyford to Compton across the Navigation.
Image date: May 1977. Image: Department of Transport. NG Ref: SU476254. WGS84: 51° 01′ 37″ N, 1° 19′ 21″ W.

Bridge at tail of Compton Lock
Bridge at tail of Compton Lock

The bridge carrying the footpath from Twyford to Compton across the Navigation.

Image date: May 1977.
NG Ref: SU476254.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 37″ N, 1° 19′ 21″ W.

Hidden tail of Compton Lock

The tail of the lock almost completely hidden from view by trees but, in contrast, a newly renovated towing path.
Image date: 25 Sep 2009. © 2010 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476254. WGS84: 51° 01′ 37″ N, 1° 19′ 21″ W.

Hidden tail of Compton Lock
Hidden tail of Compton Lock

The tail of the lock almost completely hidden from view by trees but, in contrast, a newly renovated towing path.

Image date: 25 Sep 2009.
NG Ref: SU476254.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 37″ N, 1° 19′ 21″ W.

Some trees removed

Some improvement, but the open prospect of the 1976 picture still some way away.
Image date: 15 Feb 2019. © 2019 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU476254. WGS84: 51° 01′ 37″ N, 1° 19′ 21″ W.

Some trees removed
Some trees removed

Some improvement, but the open prospect of the 1976 picture still some way away.

Image date: 15 Feb 2019.
NG Ref: SU476254.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 37″ N, 1° 19′ 21″ W.

Compton Lock to Shawford Mill

South of Compton Lock, low density residential development on the west bank with large, attractive gardens and grazing land on the east bank make this another pleasant reach.

Between 2009 and 2011, improvements were made to some of the path as part of the work done by the Itchen Navigation Heritage Trail Project. A small fence has been put up between the path and the water’s edge to protect newly planted vegetation from passing feet. Let’s hope that the intended removal of this fence once the plants are established is not forgotten.

A large part of the path between the lock and the footbridge at Shawford Mill has become rather muddy and worn with quite a number of exposed tree roots. In addition, the path has been breached on at least one occasion in the last few years. This makes wheelchair access difficult if not impossible.

House on west bank

House on west bank of Navigation.
Image date: 25 Jan 2003. © 2003 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU475252. WGS84: 51° 01′ 29″ N, 1° 19′ 26″ W.

House on west bank
House on west bank

House on west bank of Navigation.

Image date: 25 Jan 2003.
NG Ref: SU475252.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 29″ N, 1° 19′ 26″ W.

North of Shawford

The Navigation north of Shawford looking upstream.
Image date: 15 Feb 2019. © 2019 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU474251. WGS84: 51° 01′ 27″ N, 1° 19′ 27″ W.

North of Shawford
North of Shawford

The Navigation north of Shawford looking upstream.

Image date: 15 Feb 2019.
NG Ref: SU474251.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 27″ N, 1° 19′ 27″ W.

View north from Shawford

View north from the footbridge over Shawford Mill stream.
Image date: c1977. Image scanned from slide. © 2019 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU474250. WGS84: 51° 01′ 22″ N, 1° 19′ 31″ W.

View north from Shawford
View north from Shawford

View north from the footbridge over Shawford Mill stream.

Image date: c1977.
NG Ref: SU474250.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 22″ N, 1° 19′ 31″ W.

Later view north from Shawford

View north 40 years later from the footbridge over Shawford Mill stream.
Image date: 8 Nov 2017. © 2017 Keith Murray (cc-by-nc-nd/2.0). Image from NG Ref: SU474250. WGS84: 51° 01′ 22″ N, 1° 19′ 31″ W.

Later view north from Shawford
Later view north from Shawford

View north 40 years later from the footbridge over Shawford Mill stream.

Image date: 8 Nov 2017.
NG Ref: SU474250.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 22″ N, 1° 19′ 31″ W.

Shawford Mill

Shortly before Shawford Mill is reached, the mill stream leaves the Navigation under a footbridge. Reputedly, Shawford Wharf occupied the length of the waterway immediately north of the footbridge although some say it may have been south of the footbridge.

The present mill building dates from 1785-95 as a corn mill. It has recently been renovated and is now used as offices. The building shown below on the black and white postcard is in fact the miller’s house - the mill itself is hidden by the trees. The miller’s house, which probably pre-dated the present mill building, was bought by an American in the 1950s, dismantled and re-erected in the USA. Shawford Mill Cottage on the left and the wooden Granary Barn in front were built at about the same time. All three are Grade 2 listed buildings.

In 2009, the towing path between the footbridge and Shawford Bridge was rebuilt as part of the work done by the Itchen Navigation Heritage Trail Project. Previously, this length of path was badly eroded and was becoming increasingly difficult to walk.

The Bridge public house lies on the opposite bank of the waterway by Shawford Bridge. Shawford railway station is very close by.

Near Shawford Mill

Looking south towards Shawford Mill. Reputedly, this was the site of a wharf serving Compton, Shawford and Twyford.
Image date: 28 May 1976. Image scanned from slide. © 2010 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU474250. WGS84: 51° 01′ 23″ N, 1° 19′ 30″ W.

Near Shawford Mill
Near Shawford Mill

Looking south towards Shawford Mill. Reputedly, this was the site of a wharf serving Compton, Shawford and Twyford.

Image date: 28 May 1976.
NG Ref: SU474250.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 23″ N, 1° 19′ 30″ W.

Rebuilt towing path

Towing path bridge over Shawford Mill stream and rebuilt towing path by Shawford Mill with Shawford Bridge in the background.
Image date: 25 Sep 2009. © 2010 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU474250. WGS84: 51° 01′ 23″ N, 1° 19′ 30″ W.

Rebuilt towing path
Rebuilt towing path

Towing path bridge over Shawford Mill stream and rebuilt towing path by Shawford Mill with Shawford Bridge in the background.

Image date: 25 Sep 2009.
NG Ref: SU474250.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 23″ N, 1° 19′ 30″ W.

Current footbridge at Shawford Mill

The current footbridge across the stream leading to Shawford Mill with a new “milestone” at the far end.
Image date: 27 Mar 2013. © Shazz (cc-by-sa/2.0). Image from NG Ref: SU474250. WGS84: 51° 01′ 22″ N, 1° 19′ 32″ W.

Current footbridge at Shawford Mill
Current footbridge at Shawford Mill

The current footbridge across the stream leading to Shawford Mill with a new “milestone” at the far end.

Image date: 27 Mar 2013.
NG Ref: SU474250.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 22″ N, 1° 19′ 32″ W.

Shawford Mill

On the left is the Granary Barn, beyond is Shawford Mill Cottage, on the right the miller’s house - the mill is hidden behind the trees.
Image date: Card posted in 1905. NG Ref: SU474250. WGS84: 51° 01′ 22″ N, 1° 19′ 31″ W.

Shawford Mill
Shawford Mill

On the left is the Granary Barn, beyond is Shawford Mill Cottage, on the right the miller’s house - the mill is hidden behind the trees.

Image date: Card posted in 1905.
NG Ref: SU474250.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 22″ N, 1° 19′ 31″ W.

New “milestone” at Shawford

New “milestone” erected during the Itchen Navigation Heritage Trail Project.
Image date: 8 Nov 2017. © 2017 Keith Murray (cc-by-nc-nd/2.0). Image from NG Ref: SU474250. WGS84: 51° 01′ 22″ N, 1° 19′ 31″ W.

New “milestone” at Shawford
New “milestone” at Shawford

New “milestone” erected during the Itchen Navigation Heritage Trail Project.

Image date: 8 Nov 2017.
NG Ref: SU474250.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 22″ N, 1° 19′ 31″ W.

Shawford Mill

Shawford Mill Cottage in white and the mill seen from the footbridge over the mill stream.
Image date: 25 Jan 2003. © 2003 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU474250. WGS84: 51° 01′ 22″ N, 1° 19′ 32″ W.

Shawford Mill
Shawford Mill

Shawford Mill Cottage in white and the mill seen from the footbridge over the mill stream.

Image date: 25 Jan 2003.
NG Ref: SU474250.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 22″ N, 1° 19′ 32″ W.

Shawford Mill

The mill seen from Shawford Road to the east of the Navigation.
Image date: 18 Dec 2019. © Dave Jones (cc-by-sa/2.0). Image from NG Ref: SU474249. WGS84: 51° 01′ 19″ N, 1° 19′ 32″ W.

Shawford Mill building
Shawford Mill

The mill seen from Shawford Road to the east of the Navigation.

Image date: 18 Dec 2019.
NG Ref: SU474249.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 19″ N, 1° 19′ 32″ W.

View north from Shawford Bridge

Skirting the mill, the Navigation with rebuilt path looking north from Shawford Bridge.
Image date: 16 Feb 2019. © 2019 Peter Oates. NG Ref: SU473249. WGS84: 51° 01′ 20″ N, 1° 19′ 35″ W.

View north from Shawford Bridge
View north from Shawford Bridge

Skirting the mill, the Navigation with rebuilt path looking north from Shawford Bridge.

Image date: 16 Feb 2019.
NG Ref: SU473249.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 20″ N, 1° 19′ 35″ W.

Shawford Bridge

The north side of Shawford Bridge.
Image date: 3 May 2014. © 2014 Marie Keates. Image from NG Ref: SU473249. WGS84: 51° 01′ 20″ N, 1° 19′ 34″ W.

Shawford Bridge
Shawford Bridge

The north side of Shawford Bridge.

Image date: 3 May 2014.
NG Ref: SU473249.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 20″ N, 1° 19′ 34″ W.

Shawford Road

Looking east toward the Navigation past the Bridge Inn and the shops opposite in quieter times.
Image date: Card postmarked Feb 1906. NG Ref: SU473249. WGS84: 51° 01′ 20″ N, 1° 19′ 38″ W.

Shawford Road
Shawford Road

The Bridge Inn and the shops opposite in quieter times.

Image date: Card postmarked Feb 1906.
NG Ref: SU473249.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 20″ N, 1° 19′ 38″ W.

The Bridge Inn at Shawford

The Bridge Inn lies between the railway station and the Navigation bridge.
Image date: 21 Aug 2018. © Des Blenkinsopp (cc-by-sa/2.0). Image from NG Ref: SU472249. WGS84: 51° 01′ 20″ N, 1° 19′ 38″ W.

The Bridge Inn at Shawford
The Bridge Inn at Shawford

The Bridge Inn lies between the railway station and the Navigation bridge.

Image date: 21 Aug 2018.
NG Ref: SU472249.
WGS84: 51° 01′ 20″ N, 1° 19′ 38″ W.

One of the pictures on this page is shown by kind permission of Marie Keates. A keen walker, she has written about and illustrated several attempts to walk the full length of the Navigation during 2013 in her blog at She has walked along all or parts of the Navigation often since then: all illustrated with some excellent photographs.